Friday, November 28, 2008

Great gift ideas for aging parents

Today I want to share a couple of terrific gift ideas for your aging parents.

First gift idea:
Thanks to my new friend, Amy Clark (, I found a great website,

It's the place to "buy and sell all things handmade". This site was launched in 2005 and is made up of 100,000 sellers. You can sell/buy handmade goods, supplies for crafts and vintage items. I went to this site for the first time last week to find a holiday wreath for my mother's apartment door (her door faces an interior corridor of her retirement community). I was delighted to find a lightweight, beautifully handmade wreath. The other neat part is the transaction itself was personal and very easy. I corresponded directly with the woman who made the wreath.
Her handmade items can be found at (Rhody's Wreath and Crochet Shop).

So, if you're looking for a quality, handmade Christmas item for your aging parents, look here. The quality is excellent, prices good and my seller shipped the item directly to my mother.

Second gift idea:
I found another great site,

With this site, you upload your photos. The free software walks you through the entire process of creating a DVD. You select template, music and can also add titles, transition slides, speed of playback. You can include up to a maximum 150 pictures on each DVD.
I already received my first DVD. And, I am thrilled with the quality and speed of delivery. The packaging (DVD case) is also personalized and lends to the overall product quality.

I created a DVD to include photos of my grandson from birth to 2 years old. I'll be giving him, his parents and my elderly mother the DVD as a Christmas gift.

The nice part about this gift is that your aging parent can just pop this DVD in and enjoy a 10 minute show (all on their TV). My mother often has insomnia at night so I'm hoping she can perhaps use this in the middle of the night to give her pleasant memories and a way to get back to sleep.

For those of you reading this, if you have other gift ideas for aging parents, please comment.
Thank you. Dale...